This network has been founded in 2006 by IAHR Past President Rosalind I. J. Hackett and former IAHR Executive Committee member Morny Joy to provide a forum for women in Religious Studies throughout the world to be in contact with one another.

Women Scholars Network

Steering Committee

Darlene Juschka

Darlene Juschka

Women's Studies
University of Regina
Regina, SK
S4S 0A2

E-mail: darlene.juschka@uregina.ca 

Areas of Specialization

  • Gender as a category of analysis
  • Sex as a category of analysis
  • Feminist theories
  • Feminist epistemologies/ epistemology
  • Ethnography
  • Symbol, myth and ritual
  • Discourse analysis
  • Folk religions
  • Religion and healing
  • Greek and Roman religions
  • Comparative study of religion 

Areas of Interest

  • Feminist methods and theories and epistemologies
  • Approaches to the study of religion: method and theory
  • Symbol, myth, and ritual - ancient and modern
  • Folk religions, shamanism, possession
  • Comparative study of religion
  • Classical Greek and Roman religions
  • Rituals associated with death and burial: Ancient and Modern
  • Religion and popular culture
  • Gender and sexuality studies
  • Women in history/feminist history
  • Women in the ancient world: Minoan, Mycenaean and classical Greece, Hellenistic world, Greco-roman, and Mesopotamia 

Major Relevant Publications


    • Darlene Juschka, Feminism in the Study of Religion: A Reader. Continuum. June, 2001.


    • Darlene Juschka, "Interdisciplinarity in Religious and Women's Studies," Studies in Religion, 35/3-4 (2006): 389-399.
    • Darlene Juschka, "Spectacles of Gender: Enacting the Masculine in Ancient Rome and Modern Cinema," Religious Studies and Theology, Special Volume: Materializing Roman Religion, Guest Editor Lisa Hughes, 24 (1) 2005, 75-110
    • Darlene Juschka, "Gender," In John Hinnells (ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, 225-238, London and New York: Routledge, 2005
    • Darlene Juschka, "Cladistics, Morphologies, Taxonomies and the Comparative Study of Religion," Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 16 (1), 2004, 12-23
    • Darlene Juschka, "The Writing of Ethnography: Magical Realism and Michael Taussig," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 4 (4), 2003, 84-105 

Other Information of Interest

  • Executive Board Regina Women's Community Centre and Sexual Assault Line 2006-
  • Executive Committee LEAF (Women's Legal Aid and Education Action Fund) 2005-
  • Treasurer Canadian Women's Studies Association (2006-2008)
  • MAL Canadian Women's Studies Association (2003-2006)
  • MAL Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (2003-2006)
  • Secretary Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (2000-2003)